About Us
Meaux's Dried Goods is a family owned and operated freeze drying business. Pronounced 'mo,' our name signifies our dedication to excellence and we are always striving to do and be "Meaux betta". We offer a variety of freeze dried goods including candy, fruit, vegetable snacks, and foods that will last for decades, assuming you can resist the temptation to devour them before then! We also provide custom order Freeze drying services.
Alexander Primeaux
Husband / Father
Nicole Primeaux
Wife / Mother / Owner
Nora Primeaux
Daughter / Candy Quality Control
Makenly Primeaux
Daughter / Produce Quality Control
How it all started
When Hurricane Ida ravaged southern Louisiana our community was greatly impacted. We were fortunate to be spared from major damage but we did suffer one loss specifically that some of you may be able to relate to. Being a new mother is hard and anyone who has breast fed their child knows how precious frozen breast milk is. Between us and very dear friends Ida ruined several gallon bags of frozen breast milk. This began my mission to discover how to preserve this valuable resource and ensure that my family would always be able to have what they need. This led me to Freeze Drying, the best solution to preserve water based foods. My hope is that through Meaux's Dried goods I can not only provide for my needs but also the needs of others.
Our Policy
Our Policy is to uphold the highest standards of quality, integrity, and cleanliness. We are uncompromising regarding our high standards for our preparation and packaging process to ensure that we only provide the highest quality product.
Our vision
We hope to provide a unique and delightful experience with our freeze dried goods to bring joy to our valued customers. We also desire to provide a healthy source of sustenance for our daily lives or to survive any disaster that the future may hold.